6 May – National Nurses Day in the United States

national nurses day usa

In the USA, National Nurses Day is celebrated every year on 6 May to raise awareness of the most important role Nurses play in Social.

National Nurses Day is not a public holiday. Has usual opening hours for businesses.

National Nurses start celebrated from 6 May to 12 May, which is the birthday of Florence Nightingale(1820-1910).

Florence Nightingale is an English nurse who, due to her pioneering work during the Crimean War (1853-1856), became known as the founder of professional nursing services.

National Nurses Week was first celebrated in October 1954. In 1982 May 6 was introduced as the observance date.

National Nurses Day Celebrations

Celebrations and receptions are held throughout the US on National Nurses Day to celebrate the nurses’ service.

Banquets, state and city proclamations, and conferences are amongst the most common events.

Most nurses receive presents or flowers from relatives, members of their families, or patients.

The Theme Of National Nurses Day

The theme of national Nurses Day 2020 is Nurses: A Voice to Lead.

2000- Nurses: Keeping the Care in Healthcare
2002 – Nurses Care for America
2003 – Nurses: Lifting Spirits, Touching Lives
2006 – Nurses: Strength, Commitment, Compassion
2015 – Ethical Practice. Quality Care.
2018 – Nurses: Inspire, Innovate, Influence
2019 – 4 Million Reasons to Celebrate
2020 – Nurses: A Voice to Lead