Crime Petrol Actress Preksha Mehta committed suicide by hanging herself in her house in Indore on Monday night during the lockdown.
The actress was declared dead as soon as she was taken to the hospital.
Actress Preksha Mehta, who worked in serials like ‘Crime Petrol’, ‘Lal Ishq’ and ‘Meri Durga’, committed suicide by hanging herself in her house in Indore on Monday night.
It is being told that Preksha’s father was the first person who saw his daughter hanging from hanging in the room in the morning.
Preksha was declared dead as soon as she was taken to the hospital.
Preksha was just 25 years old and she came to Mumbai a year ago.
Significantly, before suicide, Preksha wrote in her last Insta story, “The worst is the dream’s death.” But no one knew that Preksha has given any indication about ending her life through this post.
Two weeks ago, TV actor Manmeet Grewal also committed suicide by hanging himself.
Preksha is the second actor to commit suicide during lockdown after Manmeet.
Preksha was also a theater actor and was also very fond of dance.

No concrete information has been revealed about the reasons behind the death of Preksha.
But after his suicide, it is being speculated that perhaps due to lack of work in lockdown, Preksha would have committed suicide.
Preksha was a pass out of Madhya Pradesh School of Drama. Punit Tiwari, who learned acting in school and theater artist with her, told, “Preksha had returned to her home just a few days before the lockdown was implemented. She belonged to a very well-to-do home. So her suicide “The news is very shocking. She was a very cheerful and lively girl.” Producer of serials like ‘Lal Ishq’ and ‘Meri Durga’, Pradeep Kumar told, “Though I have never met Preksha, I am very shocked to hear the news of Praksha.”