Google’s ‘Read Along’ app, launched as ‘Bolo’ in India for the first time, is now available in more than 180 countries and in nine languages.
This app lets children learn by providing verbal and visual input as they act out stories.
Tell Along uses Text-to-Speech and speech recognition apps from Google to listen to and determine whether a child is reading the sentence incorrectly.
The App is often instructed to give the teacher-student or parent-kid learning experience a constructive and motivating input. Also ‘Read Along’ has stars and medals which children can earn as they advance.
Kids will connect with an in-play read friend named ‘Diya’ on the Read Along app, who will serve as the communicator.
Throughout the app’s screen, Diya will appear and kids tap on it to learn to pronounce a particular word or sentence at any time. Including stories there are games on Read Along as well.
This app also allows parents to create several read accounts, and by clicking on their pictures, they can monitor the progress of each child reading.
‘Read Along’ will also recommend stories based on the children’s success in reading. When they go up, the level of stories’ complexity will increase when well.
The app has no advertisements and no in-app transactions, so even offline functions. Stories can be accessed from Wi-Fi or smartphone devices, which can be read off-line later.
There is no need to sign in either and Google claims voice data is only processed in real-time and not sent to either of its servers.