Helpful Tips for New Freelancers By Google

helpful tips for new freelancers by google

Google has shared helpful tips for the people who are new to freelancing.

During Lockdown, lots of people are doing work from home or freelancing and earn money. Here are some useful tips for them. Here is what Google recommends,

Get in touch with old clients or tap into your network to get new leads. Take a look at how you can set up meetings remotely using Google Meet.
Take up an online course and up skill your career
to be more relevant to the changing needs of businesses today.
Host virtual classes to teach your skills to beginners. You’ll be surprised to see how many people tune in.
Tailor your resume to match the job description.

Google has already shared tips on improving video calling experience, improving the home Wi-Fi, and staying connected with family and friends during the lockdown.

Now, Google has shared some useful tips for people who are new to freelancing.

Google wrote on Tweeter: “New to freelancing during the lockdown? Here’s a quick checklist (and a few helpful tips) to make sure you’re ready to go”