Switzerland ‘first’ nation to make COVID-19 app using Apple & Google’s tool

Switzerland 'first' nation to make COVID-19 app using Apple & Google's tool

Switzerland is piloting SwissCovid, a COVID-19 app that uses the Apple-Google Exposure Warning tool.

The App is the first in the world to bring the Apple-Google interface to use, according to the Swiss university, EPFL.

It will be tested first by EPFL staff, ETH Zurich, the Army, select hospitals, and cantonal administrations.

SwissCovid can use Bluetooth to exchange keys between phones. If a user tests positive for SARS-CoV-2, they should notify the app, which will warn other users if they are near(less than two meters) to the infected person for a prolonged time (more than 15 minutes).

The first to test the Swiss App would be staff at EPFL, ETH Zurich, the Army and various hospitals and government agencies.

This pilot phase is expected to last a few weeks. Meanwhile, the Swiss parliament needs to amend the epidemic law to allow the app to be released nationwide by mid-June.

“This gives great responsibility to the Swiss testers, as many other countries intend to adopt the same protocol later on,” said project manager Alfredo Sanchez.