The science of sibling relationships

The science of sibling relationships

Is there a science behind sibling relationships? The answer is yes. The presence of the two in the house, quarrels over their little things, always helping each other when there is a problem, there are many things that make them understand, the children who live alone do not develop easily.

Research on siblings conducted at some of the world’s universities proves that their relationship teaches each other a lot and is essential for both families.

Today is Rakshabandhan, on this occasion, from a scientific point of view, what does a brother-sister relationship teach each other in life, and how much help do parents get?

Learn how to solve a small problem

According to Mark Feinberg, a professor at Penn State University in the United States, sibling relationships teach a sibling more than they can learn from their parents.

They learn how to cope with the ups and downs of life in each other’s company and how to prepare themselves to move forward, the understanding also comes from this relationship as they live with each other for the longest time.

Sisters are more serious about relation

A study was conducted in Turkey on how siblings can overcome each other’s loneliness. According to research, sisters care more about their brothers.

He takes this relationship more seriously. As well as the brother is often angry or offended at his sister, while this is less from the sister.

Research shows that sisters learn a lot from their brothers when it comes to learning something new, while brothers learn less from their sisters.

Brothers and sisters teach each other to make a place in society

According to Lohi Kramer, a professor and psychologist at Northwestern University, the growing understanding of sibling relationships is called the sibling effect.

This sibling effect affects both in many ways. As such, they increase each other’s brain capacity. They teach each other to make their place in society.

Parents want them to understand each other when there is a lot of sibling in the house.

The nature of depression, shame and panic does not develop in them

Park University in the U.S. launched a sibling program to understand sibling relationships and involved 12 schools in the state of Pennsylvania.

The goal of the program was how siblings make decisions together and fulfill responsibilities.

Research has shown that understanding each other develops rapidly from an early age.

The nature of depression, shame and panic does not develop in them.