Top 20 Email Marketing Tips

Keep your subscribers up-to-date with regular email campaigns.
Include a double opt-in procedure to ensure your subscribers are real and have requested to receive your emails.
Make your customers feel like they are missing out with exclusive offers, news, and events.
A call to action is your key marketing tool. Ensure it is clear and visible.
Ensure your emails have a landing page to capture customer data.
Monitor the impact of your campaigns with statistical reporters.
Ensure your emails are mobile friendly to maximize opens.
Add customized survey forms to your unsubscribe page to find out why people are unsubscribing.
Ensure page links in your emails are clearly visible & link directly to the subject.
Include your social media accounts on the header/footer of your email. They are great for social interaction in your online community.
Plan your email campaigns in relation to national holidays/events(Easter or world cup)
Compare the response rating for different subject lines, sender name and delivery date/times for your email using split testing experiments.
Send targeted emails by creating lists in your email database.
Categorize your images in relevant folders for ease of navigation and selection.
Schedule your email campaigns to be delivered at customers preferred dates and times.
Install a list managers to ensure all your data is stored in one place to access when it is required.
Include high resolution images to showcase your products/services.
Draw your customer’s attention to the main story with a feature story treatment.
Design your emails to suit a particular theme of a campaign. Bright and attractive emails are more engaging.
Remember to nurture your customers; old and new.